Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Little Box

The purpose of this box is to keep the egg safe from breaking.
What I used to make my box was cardboard, tape, stickers , and Kleenex to protect my box. I predict that my box will be save from cracking because of the Kleenex will protect my egg and at the secant time it will break.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Should Schools Have School Uniform

Should schools have school uniform? I think schools need school uniform. Because we will save time getting ready in the morning you just get your uniform and you don't need to look for will save you money because if we don't have school uniform we need to buy to much clothes and that will waste money and you will have to much clothes. Schools uniform look professional because it represents are school and it looks like regular clothes. That why schools really need to have school uniforms to save time in the morning, to save money, and it will look professional on you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The 3 best friends

 Once upon a time, there were  3 best friends named Stephanie, Andrea, and Vania.   They played together. They went to school together and played alot of things. Like basketball, soccer, and talked to each other. After school we went to stephanie house we went swimming, we raced,  and then we ate pizza. We always help each othere whith things such as reading, math, an science. We are best friends for ever.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Tremendous girl

One day it was a girl name Alicia and each day Alicia grow and she was enormous and she was scar because all the people laughed at her. One day Alicia go to school and her best friend cam and toll to Alicia can you explain how you grow sow fast Alicia said I don't know but my mom said went I was baby I was berry little. The next day Alicia was tremendous.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I want to live in Mexico because I have family there and I have friends there. I love Mexico because I was born there and I grew up there and I live there nine years there I want to live at Mexico for the reason.